509.949.2162 jeremy@bondbyte.com

We partner with businesses to help them run better.

Websites & Email

Modernize your marketing strategy with Websites, Email, Social Media and more. We design, develop and host your websites right here in the Pacific Northwest.

Virtual Offices

Our Hosted Services allow you to have an office anywhere. We run the servers in the cloud and connect them to your physical office location. No maintenance and no repairs. Simple.


Be-ERP is our modern, mobile friendly Business Management System. Our software system is written right here in Yakima. BE-ERP is a great platform for businesses that need custom software solutions without massive overhead.


KeyNotes Open Source is a very mature product used in behavioral health and drug counseling. It is a complete clinical suite. The software is Open Source, you only pay for hosting services. Read more about KeyNotes here.


Recent Works

Accounting Principals & Design Patterns

Here are some notes on how to handle Accounting Principals while also using Design Patterns to solve what appears to be a simple problem. Accounting Principals are the fundamental components to accounting. These principals were invented or conceived long before...

WordPress and Mariadb on Docker

Using Docker for hosting Wordpress and Mariadb container seems like a no brainer. The container allows sites to be managed, maintained and moved without disrupting the other sites. We will need a nix box in the cloud, static IP is a must. We should probably create a...

Deploy WordPress Site – NOTES

Point DNS A Record at the host ip. A.k.a this Server. Connect to server and go to var/www and create a new folder for the site we're going to create. I like to use WincSCP for this step.  While connected using WinSCP go to var/www/wordpresstemplate and copy the...

R&R Contractors NW – Site Launch

R&R Contractors NW – Site Launch

I had the pleasure of working with Ryan Ashley owner of RR Contractors NW on a website and marketing project. R&R Contractors NW is a general construction contracting company located in Yakima Washington. Where they provide various types of construction like...

NameCheap for Email is…

Only recently start tinkering with Namecheap email and it looks good enough to pass the sniff test. I'm going to move some email services to their platform and try it out. Right off the bat I noticed their setup for 3rd part DNS providers seemed a little weak but I...

WordPress upgrade problems

There's a lot going on. I Changed VPS hosts. I upgraded Ubuntu from 14 to 18, of course PHP and a slough of other shit. Then of course upgraded from Wordpress 4.6 to 5.2. Been dealing with various random issues. Here are a couple from today. Installed LetsEncrypt and...