KeyNotes - Open Source Electronic Medical Records

KeyNotes is an Open Source – Electronic Medical Records (EMR) suite with features like scheduling, electronic billing, patient records, and reporting. The software aligns with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) with a focus on clients and counselors.
In March of 2024 the founder of AvailHeath made KeysNotes Open Source. Meaning it cannot be bought or sold. We provide server hosting, daily backups, and software updates as needed.
Follow our KeyNotes Blog posts for up to stay up to date with fixes and patches.
KeyNotes – New Customer – Embrace Recovery SUD
We want to thank Neddy Lappanen and Embrace Recovery SUD out of Chelan for choosing KeyNotes and Bondbyte, Inc to host their EMR Software. The install and configuration went smoothly. We had them up and running in a day. We still need to configure the Stripe Credit...
KeyNotes – Setup Credit Card Billing
Here is how to setup Credit Card billing in KeyNotes. Go to Stripe and create a new account. Get the Stripe API Keys, There are two, a Publishable and a Secret key. Then we need to setup curl on our server and enable the extension in PHP. Then login to KeyNotes and...
Are there levels of HIPPA Compliance?
HIPAA compliance doesn't have formally defined "levels" per se, but organizations can achieve compliance in varying degrees of thoroughness and sophistication based on their specific needs and resources. Compliance can generally be categorized based on the depth and...
What is Protected Health Information (PHI)?
Protected Health Information (PHI) refers to any information that is created, received, stored, or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, which relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual, the...
What is HIPAA
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a critical piece of legislation that affects how healthcare information is managed and protected. From a software application perspective, the essence of HIPAA involves several key elements: 1....